Bulk Order Errors

This page will be displayed if there are errors in the bulk order template you have uploaded. It details any errors in the template, along with a recommended fix for the error.
Bulk Order Errors

Read Only Information

1. Read Only Information
Read Only information displaying the customer and country, for reference only.


2. Back
Click  the 'Back' button to return to the Bulk Order Import screen

Error Description

3. Error Description
This field describes the error encountered in the bulk order template.

Rows Affected

4. Rows Affected
This will give the row number of the row(s) which are subject to this error.

Sample Data

5. Sample Data
This field contains relevant data taken from the cell in the template where the error is. In this case, the word "test" is not a valid phone number.

Recommended Fix

6. Recommended Fix
This will provide some detail on a potential way to resolve the issue. In this case it suggests checking the provided telephone number.